Work, Energy and Power :Definition, Examples, Formula | Work, Energy and Power Chapter JEE Main
Work Done by a Man when Lifting a Block
Work, Energy and power are some of the more important topics of mechanics in classical physics.
A car moving, a rocket taking off, an aero plane flying, are a few of the events which take place regularly and can give us insight into the concept of Work and Energy. These are some of the common sense notions of work and energy - which can however be precisely defined and measured in physics.

These definitions and measurement can be used consistently to describe and predict the behavior of bodies.
Work is related to energy as they are inter-convertible and also the sums of them are conserved in Newtonian Physics. Power is a step further which defines the rate of change of energy flow.The examples based on this are very easy and can be seen even in day to day life.
Work is said to be done if a force, acting on a body, displaces the body through a certain distance and the force has some component along the displacements. Thus, work is done when the point of application of a force moves.It is defined as the product of magnitude of displacement and the component of the force along the displacement.
Power:Work, Energy and Power Chapter JEE Main
The rate at which work is done is called power.

Energy is the ability of the body to do some work. The unit of energy is same as that of work.